Monday, November 28, 2005

Sweet Woods/Turkey Day

Saturday Stan, Matt, Burak, Ed, Rick, Beth, Cyndi, Terry, John from Team Sally, and I rode Sweet Woods, Brunnell, North Creek, and the A frame trail. There is a bunch of fun new stuff that has been built out there. The trails were in damn fine shape a little sloppy in a couple of places but otherwise a beautiful day with the temps almost 50 it really couldn't get much better for late November.
Thursday John, Rick, Roger, Anne, Cyndi, Beth, Marco and I Rode in the 12 degree cold. What a huge difference from Saturday. Everything was frozen and we did a nice loop. Thanks to Marco for the wonderful Breakfast after the ride. I know you all know that it was fantastic. GO TEAM AMERICA! DERKA-DERKA!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Looks like it will be a bit crowded this year. But as Burak pointed out there will be more women. Ha! check it out...

This is the 2nd best reason to stay up all night.... Some motto. Ol well its damn good fun. We'll have to get our applications in as soon as they are accepting them.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Poker Ride fun

The Poker Ride went off without a hitch it was good fun. It rained like crazy the day before which along with the leaves made things sketchy at best. But we took the usual route down the grass hill thru the old staging area. Thru bad ass hill and over to the Stair Steps. Down Dynamite to the canal. Up the Road to Burrito. To the Out and Back. The Out and Back was in great shape. Down the pipeline to Four Corners and right back out to the Multi. Back to the Pavillion for some fresh grub. Thanks to Marco and Ray for bringing out the good chow. There were 3 groups and no one was hurt. It was a great turnout for what might have been a Craptastic Sunday. The sun came out in the afternoon it was actually damn nice.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Da Poker Ride

Lucky number 13. Looks like 57 and cloudy is the forecast. Not too shabby. Hopefully it won't rain like some are predicting. Just like all the other ones-Lets take people on a ride to remember. This thing happens once a year. Lets do it right. Have fun and don't drop anyone. Bring them all back.